Philadelphia Parking Lot Accident Lawyer

If you live or work in Philadelphia, PA, there is one thing that you will notice: it can be difficult to find a parking space. People rush to secure parking spots even though the city has numerous parking lots and garages. Unfortunately, that can lead to parking lot accidents.

The Philadelphia parking lot accident lawyers of Zavodnick & Lasky Personal Injury Lawyers help injured clients recover compensation for their accident claim. Our accident attorneys have over 80 years of experience handling claims involving car accidents. We have recovered millions of dollars for our clients in the past 36 years.

Let us start working for you to get you the money you deserve after an auto accident in a parking lot. Call now (215) 875-7030 to schedule your free consultation with one of our personal injury attorneys in Philadelphia.

How Our Philadelphia Personal Injury Lawyers Can Help After an Injury in a Parking Garage

Being involved in a parking lot accident can be frustrating. Even if your vehicle only suffers minor damage, you still have to deal with the insurance company, repair shop, and rental car company. If you are injured, you have the added stress of medical treatment.

At Zavodnick & Lasky Personal Injury Lawyers, our Philadelphia auto accident attorneys understand your difficulties. We make your claims process as stress-free as possible. We want you to focus on your recovery while we focus on recovering compensation for your accident. 

When you hire our Philadelphia parking lot accident attorneys, you can expect:

  • Thorough and comprehensive accident investigations 
  • Accurate calculations of the value of your damages
  • Monitoring of deadlines for claims and personal injury lawsuits
  • Aggressive settlement negotiations 
  • Updates on the progress of your personal injury case
  • Prompt answers to your questions and concerns

If you want to discuss how you were injured in a parking lot accident, contact our law firm to schedule your free consultation with an accident lawyer in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 

Are Parking Lot Accidents Common in Philly?

One estimate says that there are tens of thousands of parking lot crashes each year in the United States. Another study suggests there are closer to 50,000 accidents in parking lots. Five hundred people die and 60,000 people are injured each year because of parking lot accidents. 

Motorists and pedestrians are at risk for injuries and death because of parking lot crashes. However, children face some of the highest risks of injuries and deaths in parking lot accidents.

What Causes Parking Lot Accidents in Philadelphia?

Parking lot accidents occur for many of the same reasons that other motor vehicle accidents occur: human error and negligence.

Speeding and distractions are two of the most common causes of parking lot crashes. Drivers often speed through parking garages and lots, which does not give them time to stop if a person walks in front of them or a car suddenly backs out of a parking space. 

Many drivers read emails, check text messages, take selfies, and use their social media accounts as they drive through a parking lot. The driver may not look up for several hundred feet, which is more than enough time for a child to dart out into the lane or a car to back out of a space.

Racing for a parking space, going the wrong way, failing to obey stop signs, and failing to check blind spots are also common causes of auto accidents in parking lots.

Pedestrians can be just as distracted when walking through a parking lot. They may be sending text messages or reading social media posts. They may step out into the driving lane without checking to see if a vehicle is approaching.

Damages and Injuries Caused by Parking Lot Accidents 

Many of the accidents in parking lots are low-speed impacts. However, for a pedestrian, a low-speed impact can still cause traumatic injuries or death. If a driver was speeding, the car crash could be devastating. 

Common accident injuries include:

The medical bills for a parking lot accident could total hundreds of thousands of dollars. If you cannot work because of your injuries, your lost income could total tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars, depending on how long you are out of work. You may also have other economic damages.

Additionally, damages include the pain and suffering (non-economic damages) you experience because of your injuries. You may also experience a decrease in your quality of life.

You deserve to be compensated for all damages. However, who is liable for a parking lot accident?

Proving Liability for a Philadelphia Parking Lot Crash

It can be problematic to determine who was at fault for a parking lot accident. If two cars collide, both drivers may claim they had the right of way. If a pedestrian is injured, the driver may blame the pedestrian for being distracted and stepping in front of the vehicle. 

A thorough investigation is the only way to determine fault. Our legal team must examine the accident scene, the surrounding area, and the statements made by all parties involved in the crash. We will also investigate whether there is a video camera in the parking lot that shows who is at fault.

Having a legal team with the resources and skills to conduct an investigation is crucial. It’s the only way to increase your chances of recovering maximum compensation for the parking lot accident. 

Schedule a Free Consultation With Our Philadelphia Car Wreck Attorneys

Do not let an insurance company pressure you to accept an initial settlement offer without consulting a lawyer. Contact our office to set up your free consultation with one of our Philadelphia parking lot accident lawyers.

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