Philadelphia DUI Accident Attorneys

Someone in the U.S. dies almost every 45 minutes because of drunk drivers. About one out of every three fatal car accidents involves alcohol. The criminal justice system might punish some of these reckless offenders, but that doesn’t compensate the victims for the full extent of their losses.

If you were injured in a DUI accident in Philadelphia, PA, even if the offender is ordered to pay restitution, you could be entitled to additional compensation by filing a civil lawsuit. Our Philadelphia DUI accident attorneys at Zavodnick & Lasky Personal Injury Lawyers have over 80 years of combined experience handling complex injury cases.

We are ready to start fighting for you today to hold the reckless parties accountable and help you and your family get justice. We’ve recovered over $50 million in meaningful settlements and trial verdicts to help people like you move forward after unthinkable accidents. We’re conveniently located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, so call now to schedule your free consultation at (215) 875-7030.

How Zavodnick & Lasky Personal Injury Lawyers Can Help After a DUI Accident in Philadelphia

How Zavodnick & Lasky Personal Injury Lawyers Can Help After a DUI Accident in Philadelphia

Trying to make sense of things after getting hit by a drunk driver isn’t easy. You deserve to spend time resting and recovering. In the meantime, we can get to work helping you get the compensation you’re owed.

Our Philadelphia injury attorneys are ready to help by:

  • Providing sound legal options and guidance throughout the legal process
  • Monitoring criminal cases and determining what evidence may be admissible in your civil case
  • Filing all claims and sending demand letters to initiate the settlement process
  • Interviewing witnesses and collecting the evidence necessary to prove your claim for damages
  • Working with medical professionals to understand the full extent of your injuries
  • Presenting your case to a jury if the insurance company refuses to recognize the fair value of your claim

We’re well-regarded in Philadelphia among experts and defense firms alike. They know that we are tough but fair and listen to us when we come to the settlement table. If negotiations aren’t productive, they know we aren’t afraid to take a case to verdict.

What’s Considered a DUI Accident in Philadelphia, PA?

Someone can be charged with driving under the influence of alcohol in Pennsylvania if they have more than .08 blood alcohol content or if they are unable to competently control their vehicle due to the effects of alcohol. 

When someone chooses to drive while intoxicated, they put everyone around them at risk. They could:

Driving under the influence of alcohol impairs a driver’s judgment, slows their reaction time, and makes them more likely to take dangerous risks.

How Common is DUI in Philadelphia?

Over 1,700 people were arrested for DUI in Philadelphia in 2021, and roughly 1,600 ended up getting charged, according to the Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office. That’s at least four people caught driving drunk daily in the city. It’s nearly impossible to know how many others drive drunk under the radar.

Twenty-four people were killed in alcohol-related crashes in Philadelphia County in 2021, down slightly from 28 deaths in 2020.

What Damages Are Available to Victims Injured in a Philadelphia DUI Accident?

If the person who caused the accident is convicted in court, they may be ordered to pay restitution to cover your financial losses. That could cover your medical bills, lost wages, and property damage.

But that doesn’t cover the emotional scars caused by the accident. It doesn’t cover the anxiety you have when you get behind the wheel or the depression you face because you no longer participate in the activities you enjoyed before the crash. And if the offender made a deal or wasn’t convicted, there may be no restitution. 

To recover the full value of your losses, you may be able to file a personal injury lawsuit against the drunk driver to recover compensatory damages, which include money for:

Seeking compensation in a DUI accident can be complex. We have extensive experience working with injury cases that involve concurrent criminal cases. We have the resources and relationship with local investigators and experts necessary to set your case up for success.

Schedule a Free Consultation With Our Philadelphia Auto Accident Lawyer

Were you hurt, or was a loved one killed in an accident caused by someone driving under the influence? Our Philadelphia DUI accident lawyers are dedicated to getting justice for you and your family. We’ve successfully obtained tens of millions of dollars in compensation for individuals injured in preventable accidents.

Call today for a free case evaluation. We’re here 24/7, so call now to let us get started fighting for you.