Philadelphia Pennsylvania Lawyer - Workers' Comp and Unions

Whether you are a laborer, Teamster, carpenter, or painter, the lawyers at Zavodnick & Lasky Personal Injury Lawyers can help you. We have years of experience litigating workers’ compensation and personal injury claims on behalf of union workers and understand the unique challenges and issues that face union workers who are injured.

If you have been injured on the job and would like to learn more about workers’ compensation for union employees in Philadelphia, PA, contact one of our union workers’ compensation attorneys today.

Who We Can Help

Some of the union members we have helped over the years include:

  • Bricklayers
  • Nurses
  • Plumbers
  • Carpenters
  • Painters
  • Police officers
  • Operating engineers
  • Laborers
  • Mechanics
  • Teachers
  • Construction workers
  • Iron workers
  • Teamsters

Assistance on Multiple-State Issues

We have represented many union truck drivers who live in Philadelphia, Bucks, Montgomery, Delaware and, Chester County injured as a result of truck accidents that occur in other states. When this happens, the injured union worker may sometimes seek benefits in more than one state.

We are licensed to practice in Pennsylvania, Delaware, and New Jersey, and are uniquely situated to answer questions regarding which state provides better benefits in the particular situation. We are also able to advise the injured worker regarding whether he/she will be able to bring a claim in Pennsylvania or not.

There are specific guidelines in Pennsylvania for what are known as “extra-territorial” injuries to determine whether a workers’ compensation claim may be brought in Pennsylvania or not. We have handled these cases and understand how to investigate and argue your case in a way that ensures the best possible result for you.

Our Experience

The first question asked by many injured union workers is “What will happen to my union benefits while I am out of work?” Unlike many members of the workforce, the majority of union members are fortunate enough to be provided with health insurance and retirement benefits in addition to their hourly wages.

Let our attorneys go to work for you to protect your union benefits and get you the workers’ compensation you deserve.

Unfortunately, after sustaining a work injury many members are not able to return to work quickly and their benefits begin to run out. Members, children, and spouses can be impacted. While the answer to the above question varies depending upon a variety of factors, we are aware of the issues, know the questions to ask, and know where to go and who to speak to in order to get the answers our clients need and deserve.

When it comes to light duty or modified duty work following a work injury, the collective bargaining agreement often provides guidance, if not limitations on whether the employer may offer light duty, and if so, for how long. The collective bargaining agreement may also contain relevant language regarding the injured worker’s obligation to treat with one of the employer’s panel physicians following a work-related injury.

It is important that injured union workers consult with attorneys who understand what the issues are and have read and interpreted collective bargaining agreements in the past. Sometimes the company’s lawyer doesn’t even know what the issues are, or that a collective bargaining agreement may impact the case, so it is important that you go to an attorney who knows what the issues are and how to address them.

Employers Cannot Stop Your Workers’ Compensation

Attorney Ryan Zavodnick discusses whether or not an employer can stop your workers’ compensation.

Contact Our Workers’ Compensation Law Firm in Philadelphia Today

You work hard and pay good money to be a member of your union. When an injury happens, make sure that you do not give up those benefits you have worked so hard for by hiring an attorney who does not understand the issues. Let the attorneys of Zavodnick & Lasky Personal Injury Lawyers, go to work for you to protect your union benefits and get you the workers’ compensation you deserve. If you are a member of a union and have been injured at work or injured in a construction accident, contact us or call (215) 875-7030 today.

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