Philadelphia Dangerous Drugs Attorney

Although pharmaceutical companies and drug manufacturers must undergo years of research and testing before their products reach consumers, unsafe drugs still find their way onto the market at alarming rates.

Prescription and over-the-counter drugs frequently become available for consumption before their risks are properly understood, resulting in an increased health hazard that threatens public safety.

Despite the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) mandatory regulations of drugs before they even hit the market, the availability of dangerous drugs remains prevalent.

Even worse, sometimes even if there is reliable proof that these dangerous drugs lead to serious medical complications, drug manufacturers will still market the drug and stifle warnings of its adverse effects to consumers.

At Zavodnick & Lasky Personal Injury Lawyers, our impassioned dangerous drug lawyers believe deceiving consumers to make a profit is unconscionable. We have fought for over 33 years to hold misleading drug manufacturers accountable and can advocate on behalf of your personal injury.

Reasons for a Defective Drug or Medication

Philadelphia Pennsylvania Lawyer

Many times, the cause of a dangerous drug is manufacturer negligence.

Once it is publicly known that a drug is likely to cause injury or ill health effects, it may undergo a mandatory recall by the FDA.

Unfortunately, recalls are commonly mandated only after a significant portion of users have already been injured by the drug. Frequent causes of dangerous drugs include:

  • Manufacturer error that causes a defective drug
  • An approved drug is later tainted by contaminants
  • A lack of warning by the manufacturer leads to misinformation concerning negative side effects
  • A design flaw in the product makes it dangerous

A manufacturer is held liable for any injury caused by their drug, even if they were unaware of the drug’s danger. Some pharmaceutical products cause enough widespread injury that mass tort litigation is brought against responsible manufacturers.

Contact a Dangerous Drug Lawyer in Philadelphia

If a prescribed medication meant to benefit you causes further injury or illness instead, you should not be accountable for a drug manufacturer’s oversight. At Zavodnick & Lasky Personal Injury Lawyers, our adept dangerous drug attorneys may be able to fight for compensation for your suffering.

If you or someone you love has faced injury, illness, or death because of a defective drug, contact us or call (215) 875-7030 to reach our Philadelphia office to receive support and guidance in your case.